Throttle sensor change, mounted some interior firewall stuff (avionics, yay!) | 1.5.2021
Started the night by removing the throttle sensor from Wayne Lanza's gear control system. After looking at the wiring diagram for the control system (yeesh, it's dense and I'm not an electrical engineer), the only thing that it's actually used for is to activate the gear warning horn under certain low-throttle conditions. Instead of this, I'm going to be feeding some of the wires from the control system into my G3X Touch to supply it with a "Gear all up" or "Gear all down" condition, and then rely on the G3X to supply me with a gear warning through my headset, and delete the analog gear horn.
I'm still undecided on maintaining the two green gear down lights or not as a backup to the G3X. It would give me fine grain knowledge on *which* gear is not down if I were to ever get a gear not down indication, but realistically if this ever happens I'm going to physically check both gear as down and locked. Like I said, still on the fence on this one.
After working on that, I mounted the ground block, alternator regulator, and GEA 24 (engine info system) to the firewall. I also printed out an outline of the SDS CPI-2 electronic ignition that I'm installing to replace the left magneto. That's been ordered at this point, but they have a two-three week lead time right now.
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