Instrument install, SDS hall sensor install | 2.4.2021 - 2.6.2021

A long awaited day has finally arrived. We're going to start installing instruments into the panel. I thought about a few different ways of handling the panel covering, and decided on vinyl car wrap. It's easy, durable, and should cover minor imperfections. I can also get it in a sweet matte black.

Blank panel on the table, and the avionics table mess. :)

This stuff goes on really easy, then gets trimmed. Tons of videos on how to do this so I won't get into it.

Unstretched, just lightly sitting on there.

Cutting out the holes.

Once it was wrapped we started installing instruments, switches, etc.

Beautiful switches

The SDS head unit doesn't have anything backing the gaps around the edges where it gets installed, so wed used vinyl to cover the tiny gaps so no light comes through.

And here's what the end result looks like with everything installed. Well, everything except the GPS175 that slides into that empty slot. We still need to buy that... There's also room below that for a GNC255 eventually.

The white paper are the mockups for the labels that we are going to have cut or printed. They'll be white lettering, so inverse of what they are here.

We also installed the SDS hall sensor magnets into the new flywheel that came in. Basically you use a jig to drill holes through the flywheel in a few different spots and then thread the holes and install magnets with epoxy and set-screws.

Drilling for magnets.

After that, the hall sensor is installed to those special nuts that were installed earlier. Mine had exactly the correct spacing from the flywheel with no washers underneath it. I did need more washers in the front to keep the bolt from bottoming out on the case bolt.

.025" feeler gauge fits with barely any gap. .030" doesn't fit.

Bolts were then safety wired.

I also pulled the harness from the SDS controller through the firewall and pulled a magneto wire up through to the overhead panel location.

Wiring getting pulled through.

That's it for now!
- Jeff
